Attack on Titanby Hajime Isayama
Title Information
In a world where gigantic humanoids reign, humanity has been reduced to nothing more than a food source for them. In an effort to protect themselves, the humans have built huge walls to keep the invading giants at bay in exchange for their freedom outside the walls. However, the papier-mâché peace collapses when a colossal giant towering over the walls appears, setting off a desperate battle between humanity and giants.
Attack on Titan is an award-winning and New York Times-bestselling series that is regarded as one of the biggest manga hits from the last ten years. Spawning the monster hit anime TV series of the same name, Attack on Titan has become a pop culture sensation.
The comic series has won multiple awards, including the Attilio Micheluzzi Award, and the Harvey Award, while the anime series was chosen as Most In-Demand TV Series in the World 2021 at the Global TV Demand Awards.
The series has made an appearance in commercial advertisements for food manufacturers, chemical and consumer goods manufacturers, and many others. The latest season has been released in 2023, which is the 10th anniversary of its first premiere.